Sunday, June 5, 2011

Turn out

Sometimes I try to formulate in my head what I am going to write before I start writing it, but then I just feel like writing is work. Like school or something. And also, I guess if I think too much before I go for it it won't sound normal. My blog is usually just random firings from my brain typed into a white text box, and although I basically come off as a spaz (most likely because I AM a spaz), I think that's probably what makes my blog "mine." So, I'm not going to try to make it sound good. I'm just going to write exactly what I'm thinking. Like, right now I'm thinking about how I always feel so dead and depressed on Sundays when I return to the village after a fun weekend with my friends. And normally it's just the dread associated with another long week of boredom, but this time it's because this last weekend was basically THE LAST WEEKEND with all of my friends.... most likely forever. And I start to feel all nostalgic and wonder how time goes by so quickly (because it's been almost 4 months since we got here, and I don't know how that possibly happened). So I try to imagine what it will be like in the fall when I come back here and no one is left except a couple friends and it's so depressing. And I think about if I will ever see them again, and I'd like to think that eventually in my life we will all see each other again, but who really knows? Is that pessimism? The world is just so big... 
But, it was a good last weekend.
We went to Tbilisi and stayed at our usual hostel and stayed up late and woke up fairly early. Of course with a large group of people, everyone sort of splits up, but we all converge at the hostel again and then the groups change up a little bit, and we all go to dinner together.....
I guess I don't have much to say.
On Friday we drank in the hostel. D was there and when I wouldn't agree to go to Batumi with him, he threatened to kidnap me Georgian style by putting a black thing over my head. Then he continued to beg me to go with him and said he would even put on a leotard and try to dance ballet if it meant I would go with him. I still refused.
Last night we ate dinner at a Thai restaurant. The waiter remembered my name (it was the same restaurant where I met the LyingAboutHisAgeGuy a while back). The power went out so we were in a restaurant lit only by candles until it went back on. We made cookies in the hostel and they were amazingly delicious. I made a new friend who is from a city only a couple hours away from my hometown. We went dancing. When we got back to the hostel the power was out so we hung out in the dark kitchen for a while and then went to sleep.
Today we ate McDonalds. I bought a ring from a man selling things on the street. We hung out in a park. We said our goodbyes to our friends who we won't see again before going home.
Now I'm home. And it's weird that in two weeks this won't be "home" anymore.

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