Sunday, June 12, 2011

Random fears

Although I've never quite believed in them, Georgia has me convinced that ghosts not only exist, but they are probably in my bedroom. I wake up frequently in the middle of the night, moderately delirious from dreams and hormonal problem night sweats, thinking that there is a ghost in the entryway beyond my bedroom. In daylight, I know that what I am seeing is my puffy white jacket hung up on the coat-rack, with a slight reflection of light on the pane of glass in my bedroom door.
And there is a creaking sound near the foot of my bed.
It's an old house, so I've told myself it's just the old wood. Except for last week I caught a cricket hoping around my room. So now, on top of the ghost problem, I convince myself that there are creatures infesting my room and I swear I hear their little bodies hopping around. But when I get my flashlight and investigate, there is nothing! Or, one morning I woke up with a small nickle-sized mound of dust in a pile. Turns out the creaking in the floorboards was some sort of "powder post beetle" larva eating through the wood, and trying to find a way out.
Another problem I have encountered, is that I can never decide if I should lock my door at night or not. My bedroom has its own entry way from outside. For the first few months I kept it locked, but as I got more comfortable I started locking it less and less. Now, I completely neglect to lock it unless I'm leaving the house for longer than an hour. This, in turn, has made me incredibly paranoid about being bride-napped. Yet, I don't lock the door because in the mornings when I want to sleep in, my host family can come in and see I'm asleep rather than knock and wake me up. But... I check under my bed every night to make sure there are no creepers under there. I think I'm getting overly paranoid.
I'm ready to go back to California where I don't think about ghosts or bugs infesting my room and people don't bride-nap others.

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