Sunday, May 22, 2011


Living in a village there's not much to do. I don't really have any friends; I don't feel like hanging out with my 10 year old host sister.... So, I am left with a lot of free time to ponder the important things in life and evaluate my own beliefs on certain subjects.

This is how I ended up Googling Adam Lambert for a good hour and a half today. I was sitting in my room, minding my own business (so to speak, I don't think anything is "my own business" when I'm online), clicking on links left and right when somehow I stumbled upon something to do with Adam Lambert. Of course I knew who he was thanks to Yahoo and all the weird press that goes along with American Idol (even though I'm pretty convinced that show has been dead for like 8 years now), but I've never really even heard him sing. Anyway, coming across him today I wondered briefly why I have basically ignored him for the past couple of years. I mean, he basically is everything I could ever want in a person. He can sing (apparently) and is a good looking and incredibly flamboyant gay male. The fact that I have never looked him up before is absolute ridiculousness on my part. I cannot emphasize enough how much I love people like this. Needless to say, I decided to start from the beginning of the Adam Lambert saga and watch some of his American Idol performances. Yep, he has a really good voice and was a nice change from what I remember most American Idol people being like (I don't usually admit this, but I did in fact watch the first two seasons of the show; my excuse is that I was in jr high).

Next step, Wikipedia. I read the entire Wikipedia page for him. I just had to make sure he didn't have any glaring defects that couldn't be accounted for by metal psychosis or extreme alcohol drug use (because if he wants to be a rock star, this can be overlooked). Basically he seemed like he had a pretty normal life, and then after a week at Burning Man and doing mushrooms he decided to audition for American Idol. I don't know what the hell type of person goes to Burning Man and comes back with a revelation about American Idol. But this weird connection alone makes me feel like he is a decent person. The entry basically ended on a note about his Finnish boyfriend, so I had to Google that guy and make sure he was acceptable. He seems fine (based on appearances alone).

I guess it's kind of ridiculous that I had to get a background on the guy before I even thought to look up his actual music. But I'm kind of glad I did, because if someone doesn't seem like a complete douche from their Wikipedia entry, then I'm likely to be more open minded to their music. For example, Ke$ha's Wiki entry is incredibly ridiculous in my expert opinion. I feel like the entire article is an attempt to justify her status in the music world. Rather than just being factual and informative, there is a definite sense that whoever wrote it knows she's hard to take seriously. Here is a quote from her Wikipedia article: "Kesha has also expressed frustration at the double standard for the objectification of women in music. Thus, in songs such as "Blah Blah Blah" and "Boots and Boys", she makes it a point to sing the same way men traditionally sing about women."  I'm finding it a little over the top that someone is needing to add this to her Wikipedia entry. I don't know, maybe I'm just a bitch!

Back to the point. Next step was watching all of Adam's (now I'm on a first name basis because I've got a good history, therefore we are BFF) music videos. I don't have any idea of the chronology of his singles because I skimmed over that on Wikipedia. I don't like dates! But the first video I watched was "Whataya want from me." And while that was loading (because it takes forever to load videos on my crap Georgian cell phone company mobile internet modem) I lurked a few pages of his Twitter. Looks like he is on there A LOT. Which means he's probably just as boring as I am on a regular basis. I decided to "follow" him on Twitter... and I'm PRETTY selective about who I follow. So that means I'm opening my heart to this fellow... unless his posts get annoying, in which case he will be axed! The video loaded and I watched and enjoyed it immensely. He looked really good and although his acting seemed pretty shitty, I didn't even mind! I think that most pop stars usually have at least one good song, so I needed to put it to the test and watch all of the videos.

Next up were "For your entertainment" (  and "If I had you." (  Both of which I am completely obsessed with now. I'm turning fangirl on this guy at the most rapid pace I've ever experienced. I'm actually kind of ANNOYED at how much I love these songs and videos. First off, with both of them I was a little unimpressed by the lyrics at first, but then suddenly I had a change of heart and thought each song was the best thing since sliced bread (which is something I could go on a tangent about as well, because I haven't had any in so damn long). Not to mention his wardrobe in both videos... I'm dying. That's how pleased I am by his clothes. In "For your entertainment" he is wearing a ton of leather, including a h studded and spiked shoulder pad thing on his right shoulder. I'm in love. I want one and a good excuse to wear it. In the video for "If I had you" his hair resembles a strange bird's feathers and his outfits are completely absurd. Everyone is dressed crazily and dancing in the middle of a forest. Adam's make up is the cooler and crazier than usual. I'm impressed. His leather spike and studden jacket in the parts where he is wearing white pants is AMAZING. I haven't been this jealous of a studded spikey thing since Britney's jacket in her video for "Till the world ends" ( His videos are like a mix of trashy Ke$ha and Lady Gaga or something. But he's a guy. And super hot. I'm definitely in love with him.

My research is complete. I have "liked" him on Facebook.

As I wrote this, it also occurred to me, that this is the exact reason that I will probably never have a boyfriend again. And we thought it was bad that I liked Hanson so much......

1 comment:

  1. Gina, you are hilarious. This post was entertaining in the extreme.
