Saturday, September 17, 2011

Today I learned how to say the word "60" in Georgian. (samotsi)
I found my school, which is "Tbilisi Public School No. 126" and was way harder to find than it should be. It's also massive. My first day is going to be awkward--wandering in and trying to ask random students where the director's office is. I'm sure the first month will be a lot of getting lost in the huge building and being in general awkward, as usual. I hope the rooms are numbered, because in Vardi they definitely were not. It took forever for me to start knowing which room was which based on distance from the main hallway and stains on the walls/brokenness of the doors.
Lydia and I went to the store today for groceries and I gave the girl a 50lari bill. There was confusion with the coins and blah blah blah. An hour or so after getting home I realized I didn't get approximately 30lari of my change back! I almost panicked because I'm so broke right now and have at least another week until I get paid. We went back to the store and I had someone from TLG explain to the cashier what happened. After they looked through the surveillance videos for about 15 minutes, they realized that I wasn't lying and gave me my change. The girl was so nice and I think felt really bad about it. Now we will always go to this grocery store, because even though they made a mistake, they cleared it up and were very apologetic.
In other news-- I've eaten khatchapuri EVERY DAY since getting here. Yesterday I had at twice (that's what a couple beers will do to you). Today I told myself "NO KHATCHAPURI TODAY!" but... we had quite a trek looking for my school (the streets here are beyond confusing), and then we couldn't figure out where on earth the bus stop was and when we finally found it, it was too late. All we had eaten all day was one egg each (pretty low on food in the apartment) and it was about 3 o'clock, sooooooo we had to get khatchapuri. Luckily we've been walking SO much lately I probably won't gain a ton of weight this time around. Although, I have kind of established that 60% of my diet is khatchapuri and 40% is beer. Somethin's gotta change!
Tomorrow we are going to Batumi to see some "Georgian version of Romeo and Juliet but with a happier ending" called "Keto and Kote." A ton of other TLGers are going and we get free transportation, food, and a night at a hotel! And the president is going to be there and supposedly make an announcement afterwards about how great, lovely, and awesome all of us volunteers are. So... that's something!

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