Tuesday, October 4, 2011

pretentious DBs

It annoys me how many times people who are new to things they are greeted first by the pretentious douche bags of the world, because those are the people who feel they are God's-gift-to-Earth and in fact, though living through the same experiences as everyone else, somehow have gleaned more knowledge and understanding of said situations. So they write ten-page long blog entries about how correct they have been in every situation, when everyone else was just so wrong. They go on to list of every possible qualification they may possess that can sort-of back up their reasoning, because you know, one linguistics class and an intro to psychology class makes you both a linguist and psychologist! And therefore if you don't like someone's particular use or disuse of an oxford comma, it's totally legitimate for you to diss the person publicly because, damn you're a grammar genius!
I don't even know where I'm going with this. Just annoyed by some people and how they pretend to know everything, and how sometimes, people fall for it because they don't understand yet. But I think, after a while, the truth comes out anyway.


  1. What's weird is that, I think I know someone like that here in GE

  2. I wonder where I got the inspiration to write this post :)
